I always fail at baking.
BUT this Shanghai walnut mooncake recipe
is so easy that baking only requires 15 minutes of your time!
Recipe (4 mini mooncakes)
Ingredients for the crusted skin:
(1) 50g Hong Kong Flour
(2) 5g Custard Powder
(3) 1/8 tsp Baking powder
(4) 1/8 Ammonia
(5) 15g Shortening
(6) 3g Butter
(7) 12g Icing sugar
(8) 1/8 Vanilla essence
(9) 15g Egg
Ingredients for the fillings:
(1) 25g Redman Pandan Lotus Paste
(2) 0.5 tsp Melon seeds (toasted)
Step 1: Mix ingredients (1) to (5) and mix
them well.
Step 2: Add ingredients 6-9 and use your
finger to cover the egg.
Step 3: Mould the crust using the mixture
you've obtained into 4 mini balls.
Step 4: Mould the fillings into 25g
as well and add in the melon seeds, be sure to mix it thoroughly instead of
letting the melon seeds concentrate in the middle.
Step 5: Rub the mould onto your palm and
add in the fillings.
Step 6: Mould them into a nice round shape
Step 7: Add walnut/almost on top and coat
it with egg wash.
Step 8: Pre-heat oven at 170 degrees
Step 9: Put in your mooncakes and bake for
15 minutes.
TADA! The final product is ready to be
served! The crust is simply heavenly!